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ACE! – The Atlantis Community Expert Program is Here!

Yesterday Atlantis Computing announced their expert program (ACE) that brings together various expertise from around the world! And I am honoured to be part of such a well established group of professionals!

The Atlantis Community Program provides a great opportunity for myself and the other ACEs, to connect with Atlantis colleagues, fellow community peers and more. Atlantis Community Experts (ACE) receive insights into Atlantis products while they engage with Atlantis colleagues to provide feedback, share their notes from the field and present as advocates in the community. ACEs help shape the modern workspace and programmable Datacenter by providing valuable feedback on product strategy and future roadmap.
What are the benefits
Benefits for ACEs are:

  • Exclusive webinars with Atlantis product teams for insights and discussions on current and future products
  • Direct touch with executives, product groups, CTO office and leading architects via private channel
  • Access to NFR software and demo environment
  • Increase personal brand & industry recognition (ACE Member Page)
  • Exclusive access and influence on Atlantis products and direction

Technical communities play a vital role in the adoption and improvement of Atlantis technology, and helping customers / partners achieve great things.

How to become an ACE?
If you want to be part of the team, please reach out to [email protected] (He doesn’t bite!) and give some background what you do and why you should be part of the ACE team. Atlantis evaluate the contribution of each nominee and its impact to online forums, social media, blogs, white papers, articles, conferences and user groups on a yearly basis. New candidates are reviewed periodically. See an extract of the ACEs below:

A full list of the current community experts can be found here

I am quite fortunate to work for an organisation (CDW UK) that have access to our own Atlantis demo hardware for the Atlantis HyperScale platform and USX product lines. I have presented to Lenovo business partners and internal Lenovo sales teams on the benefits of the Atlantis HyperScale platform, showing its capabilities around performance, de-duplication, compression, replication etc.

If you want to see or hear more about the Atlantis product set let me or one of the experts know and we can look to assist in the best way we can.

AtlantisExperts (1)


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